Top 5 Winter Car Kit and Driving Essentials

When it comes to winter motoring there are a number of essentials that as motorists we should all think about keeping in our vehicles as a winter car kit. Here we look at the 5 most popular and essential items for you to consider as part of your winter car kit.

When looking to ensure you have the essentials for winter driving to minimise the risk of getting stuck in snow, being able to quickly get going in the morning or just ensuring if the worst did happen and you got stuck you have what is needed to keep you safe there are a number of key items it is recommended you or your loved ones keep as part of your own winter car kits.

Such items can be purchased either as part of a ready-made kit or you can put together your own collection of winter driving essentials.

Starting from just a few ££’s it does not need to cost a fortune to ensure when you journey out in winter you have the essential items with you to keep you safe, warm and moving.

1. AA Car Essentials Winter Car Kit with Folding Snow Shovel

A&A AA Winter Car Kit This kit as it says on the box is a great collection of  “essentials” for winter driving. Containing  a compact folding Snow Shovel, a High Vis Vest, an Emergency Foil Blanket to keep you warn and a Dynamo Torch which doesn’t rely on batteries so will be usable when you need it. It is also contained in handy storage bag to keep everything neat, tidy and available in your boot.

Prices for this kit range from $37.29 on Amazon to £30 elsewhere.

As a leading motoring organisation, the AA have clearly thought about the importance of keeping safe whilst driving in the winter and have introduced a number of these type of winter car kits including one containing all of the items above but also including, snow and ice grips for your shoes a rain poncho plus a set of fully insulated battery booster cables in case of flat battery.

For more details take a look at the AA Car Essentials Emergency Winter Car Kit.

2. Windscreen Winter Frost Protector

There is nothing worse than going out to your car in the morning only to have to spend several minutes in the freezing cold scraping the ice off your windscreen. By adding a simple, inexpensive yet effective Windscreen Frost Protector to your winter car kit you can save yourself both time and frustration. Not to mention being much safer with clearer visibility as you start your journey.

One of the most popular of the frost protectors is

Car Windshield Cover for Ice and Snow - Magnetic
  • ADVANCED MATERIAL: Made of high density material, cotton padded. Premium and soft fabric ensures your car’s paint is not scratched. So that waterproof, windproof, ice free, and provides UV protection, fits for all weather.
  • WINDSHIELD WINTER ICE SNOW COVER: In winter, you dont have to scrap ice & snow from windshield anymore during chilly mornings. Say goodbye to cold weather delay on your daily drive.
  • WINDPROOF FULL PROTECTION WINDSHIELD COVER: 5 strong magnets on the bottom edge and 2 on the top to secure the cover anti strong wind. And they are tiny will not affect your car surface. The extended cover protects your windshield wipers from snow damage, too.
  • EASIEST INTALLATION: Fastens easily by opening car doors inserting 2 door flaps inside, closing door holding cover, then using elastic straps to keep it in place. Three steps to prevent wind and theft.
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3. The Trusted Ice Scraper

If you have decided not to use a windscreen frost protector or simply got caught out by a sudden drop in temperature you are going to need a trusted and reliable ice scraper. Although a credit card could be an option there are a variety of inexpensive ice scrapers on the market that can help remove the ice from you glass in either double-quick time or at least keeping your hands warm while doing so.

RevHeads ICE Scraper for Cars and Small Trucks - Dang Near Indestructible Ice Scrapers from Scrape Frost and Ice The first of these is the RevHeads Ice Scraper. Introduced onto the market just over 4 years ago this robust designed scraper brings exceptional performance at an affordable price.

Made for the extreme low temps in the American Midwest this hardy scraper will make light work of even the most frosty UK mornings. RevHeads Ice Scraper has quickly become recognised as one of the most effective ice scrapers available and has over 0 Reviews on Amazon with an average 0 star out of 5 rating and a price of around $9.9923.

And for those times you haven’t got your gloves to hand when needing to scrape away the ice, an alternative for your winter car kit is the .

4. Dry Air Car Dehumidifier Bags

Good visibility is essential at anytime, but especially during winter when it tends to be darker and foggier. It is also the time when many suffer from increased fogging on the inside of the cars windows which can take an age to clear before setting off.

No products found.An ideal solution to help prevent this is the use of . Containing silica gel crystals similar to those found in the small pouches of new camera or electronic products, these “damp eaters” effectively remove the moisture from the air inside your car and thus preventing it fogging up your windows.

Most of them are also re-usable, simply being able to be dried out on a household radiator and will generally last for 3-4 years before needing to be replaced. Depending on the size they tend to retail between £5-£20.

As with anything it is definitely worth considering the quality of these items more than just the price.

5. Good Quality Car De-Icer

Autoglym De-Icer, 500ml

When it comes to de-icer there are so many products and brands on the market it can be difficult to decide which one to choose as part of your winter car kit. Again they can range from a 500ml spray can for under £1.00 up to £10 for 400ml of specialist brand de-icing liquid.

Over the many years of both using and retailing a large range of difference products our own personal favourite is Autoglym De-Icer which is harmless in contact with vehicle paintwork, rubber, plastics and glass but is still effective all the way down to -50°C!

Over to you:

The items listed above were compiled from our own experience and research of the most popular winter car products on as of October 2020. Do you agree with any of the above recommendations? Have you had experience of these or other items you would recommend as part of your winter car kit? We would love to hear your views and recommendations in the comments box below.

Did you also know that it’s not a crazy idea to give your air-con a blast over the winter?

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